Software Development

Chana Tech provides software development and mobile apps services in Bhutan. Chana Tech is partners with leading software and business analytical providers in the region to create high-impact service offerings to boost competitiveness.

Management Consulting

Chana Tech provides management consulting services for all business needs in Bhutan. Bringing together structure and analytical capabilities necessary to succeed in the Bhutanese economy, Chana Tech provides entry strategy, match-making and financing services. Chana Tech works with FDI and local companies to develop commercially viable and implementable business ideas and strategies.


Chana Tech invests in IT and other companies in Bhutan, either in partnership with FDI companies or in local startups. Chana Tech can provide both capital and local know-how for foreign companies.

Chana Tech owns "plug and play" real estate for IT and ITES including incubation space or real estate for large companies.

'Plug and Play Infrastructure'

Incubation space

Large space for ITES and data center companies

Technology enabled Organic Farming

Organic farming .. ideal conditions ... 365 days